Tour of Siena 4 hours
The sole living model of Medieval city, Siena has Etruscan origins; it was a Roman colony whose name was "Sena Julia". Its importance grew considerably in the Middle Ages, but was conquered by the Florentines in 1555 and became part of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. The city branches out over three ridges of hills called "terzi" and subdivided into "contrade" (wards). Piazza del Campo, the main square, is the core of the city and with its scallop-shell shape it is the venue for the famous Palio (horse race), where the wards race each other and takes place twice a year, on July2nd and August 16th.
Not to be missed: Gaia Fountain (by Jacopo della Quercia), Torre del Mangia, the Civic Museum, Piccolomini Palace, Piazza Duomo, the Pinacoteca Nazionale.